压力之间的关系 & 腹胀, & 你能做些什么
你的裤子更紧了. 安全带会扎到你的胃里. 你会觉得更没精打采,更沉重,周围的一切都不是你最好的状态. 虽然暂时的气体积聚和液体潴留并不总是痛苦的, they’re still pretty uncomfortable and can keep you from being the most confident version of you.
造成过度腹胀的原因有很多,包括饮食, 脱水, 暴饮暴食, 吃得太快, 月经周期, 肥胖和潜在的胃部疾病. 但是今天, we’re focusing on one cause that often goes overlooked until looked at in hindsight: stress.
压力和焦虑会对你消化食物的方式产生负面影响. When you’re placed in high-pressure situations (or sometimes just circumstances that you’re not used to), 你的身体会产生更多的皮质醇 压力荷尔蒙. Cortisol works to regulate salt and minerals in our delicate biological ecosystem. 在紧张的时候, 皮质醇的作用是增加盐和水的潴留, 这会导致腹胀, 降低钾含量,损害胰岛素功能.
随着消化的进行, your body will also produce more gas from the food that it is breaking down which results in more air in your system. 这种组合构成了我们感到的分散注意力的不适.
预防 & 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法:如何缓解与压力相关的滞留
我们知道焦虑和压力会导致腹胀, 但除了避免压力,我们还能做些什么呢, 兴奋和生活在一起? 幸运的是,有很多! 让我们开始吧(但不要过度放纵).
释放益生元的力量,益生菌 & 其他补充
当谈到我们的舒适时,饮食是一种不可思议的力量. What we eat and how we eat it can make or break how feel throughout the next 24 hours. While it would be great to have a pristine diet full of every nutrient you need, we understand that every individual body is different and that this solution is not always possible!
- Prebiotics — often found in fiber- and starch-rich foods — stimulate the growth of good bacteria in the gut.
- 益生菌——通常存在于酸奶中, 泡菜, kombucha and other fermented foods — are live bacteria that reinforce the 健康y microbes in the gut.
- 额外的补品,如生姜、薄荷油、维生素D和 消化酶 — can be used on a temporary basis to complement your diet and improve gut integrity.
Being proactive with your probiotics and other nutrients gives you some wiggle room when you can’t control the full situation. You may be able to handle added stress without the compounding consequences.
The digestive tract is an intricate ecosystem that carries a wealth of information. 当事情平衡时,我们感觉很棒,就像我们可以接管世界一样. 当事情不顺利时, 我们的直觉会告诉我们——不管是通过昏睡, 头痛, 自身免疫性疾病或腹胀. It is critical that we take care of this precarious component of our overall 健康. Supplements are a great interim fix, but we don’t just want to treat a symptom. 我们想解决这个问题!
我们希望患者尝试的第一步是 排除性饮食. 通过将你的系统精简到最低限度, 你也许能够精确地找出问题的根源. 可以是奶制品. 可能是谷蛋白. 可能是酒精或者别的什么. 不管怎样,这都是一个很好的开始!
开始移动 & 做有氧运动
当你经历剧烈的腹胀时, one of the last things you want to do is go to the gym or run on a treadmill, 但这可能正是你克服这个障碍所需要的. Added movement can help expel that excess gas build-up and boost metabolism. 当我快速奔跑时, 轻快地骑自行车或长时间散步不会成为永久的解决办法, 在此期间,它会给你一些缓解.
你觉得你的腹部被塞得满满的, 所以把水倒在上面似乎违反直觉. However, 脱水 — as mentioned above — is often a major driver of bloating. 当我们感到压力时,我们的心跳加快,呼吸加快. Both of these activities cause us to use more water when compared to a more peaceful state. Your body can detect when it doesn’t have enough water to work with and will respond accordingly, sometimes by releasing an antidiuretic hormone and retaining what it has left.
保持适当的水分, 你给了身体调节体温的机会, 向细胞输送营养物质, 保持关节润滑, handle more stress and “stay regular” so you don’t hold onto toxic waste longer than you need to.
过多的皮质醇会损害我们的睡眠质量. 结果是, we become more stressed out the next day because the world simply won’t slow down for us. This creates a seemingly infinite loop that leaves us tired, bloated and, sometimes, sick.
Unfortunately, those after-work cat-naps aren’t likely to give us the true relief we need. 建立一个黑暗的环境(没有屏幕), creating a sustainable sleep schedule and getting at least 8 hours of good rest a night are often just what we need to balance things out.
我们自己可以做很多事. 我们可以在家里进行试错测试,看看哪种方法有效. We can purchase every supplement on Amazon to see what provides any sort of aid. 我们可以尽我们最大的努力吃得正确, 睡个好觉,把生活中的压力降到最低, but there comes a time when seeking professional guidance becomes the most efficient and cost-effective 健康 strategy.
A 专门研究肠道健康的功能健康医生 will have the access to resources and existing knowledge of what to look for or ask about next. This person takes the guesswork out of the equation and won’t waste your time on quick cures while you struggle. Google may try to fill in the answers for you but only an experienced professional can run the tests you need to discover underlying complications and deliver customized treatment plans to directly address those issues.
Dr. 玛格丽特·韦斯顿是一位 尊敬的功能健康专家 有运动医学和家庭实践的背景. 她相信尽一切可能帮助澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台感觉最好. That conversation extends well beyond cosmetic treatments and into your personal 健康.
作为一名功能医学患者, she knows what it feels like to try just about every solution there is online before finally getting the reprieve she had been looking for from a professional. She takes the time to learn everything about you — your unique 健康 history, goals and discomforts — before setting you up with the right combination of necessary tests, 医用营养品, custom dietary plans and advanced treatments to help you maximize your performance.
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